Saturday, 18 January 2014

Utilising the wardrobe space in your child's room

This topic often comes up when I'm working on a clients space, it's the inevitable enemy to every parent; how do I store this ever growing collection of stuff that I need for my child! I'm not going to lie, it's often a very tricky dilemma; once you have a few simply tricks up your sleeve you'd be surprised at how much space you can free up in your wardrobe.

1) Installing hooks on the side of the robe door: this area is generally overlooked yet it's often the perfect place to hang school bags, hats and swimming stuff. You have to be careful not to overload the hooks as they have the potential to become an eyesore.

I love these little guys from Lilly and Lolly

2) If you are able to- think about the possibility of using areas outside the bedroom for your child's robe, this may need some creative thinking and requires more space but it's a great way to free up a small room so that it can be used strictly for to sleep and play.

This image is an example of how this family was adapt their hallway space as a wardrobe

3) Storage tubs and baskets built in to the closet can be a handy way to store toys, linen and bits that are often used but dont have a home here's the trick you  need to label them!

These storage Drums from Acne Jr offer a modern twist for your small storage needs

4) Stick by the year in year out rule: Anything that hasn't been used in a year store in the garage or consider giving it to charity or to other friends that might need it- this kind of living may also teach your kids the act of giving to the less fortunate and not getting attached to material things

5) Be mindful that the wardrobe may need to be reconfigured as your kiddo grows, installing lots of horizontal hangers is a great way to make use of the tiny clothes but as they grow you want to have the shelving reachable so they are able to reach all they need in order for them to be independent

6) Shoe organisers-- personally I don't like the look of them and find them to be too annoying using your precious hanging area! I prefer to install an extra shelf on a 45 deg angle with slats to separate them, depending on the size of the shoes you can sometimes fit 3 pairs wide which means you only need one shelf!

7) If you're finding that the bedroom is too squashed when the doors of the robe open, consider taking the doors off the hinges and fitting curtains instead. This idea was cast by Megan Morton at her recent kids room workshop at The School and I think is a great way to maximise your space and also add a uniquely soft element into the space.

8) Placing a diamond draw organiser into your regular draw is a great way to maximise organisation especially when you're dealing with extra small clothing! I use these for all things tiny socks, onesie's and singlets, if you want to get extra OCD try colour coding them too
I use these diamond organisers from Howard's Storage

Happy organising people let me know how you go!!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

2014 the year to.... DIY!!

Dazzle your friends and kiddos with my top picks to get your year off to creative start and to sprinkle a little more magic to your youngin's room (even if your project doesn't turn out perfect it will still be a unique creation you can call your own)

This nifty little guy is the perfect present for stashing those little knick-knacks your cherub has lying around! Surprisingly easy once you have mastered a cross stitch.

I love a good use of Washi tape and found this tutorial so easy to follow; all you need is a bit of inspiration or something that your kiddo just adores that you could add... Animal motifs would be super fun!

A pretty simple concept to get your creative juices flowing, the possibilities are endless you just need a nice sturdy branch and the sky's the limit (really)

Who wouldn't want to gnaw on a cool sun all day long, this is an easy guide will brighten up their little faces (how cute is this little guy above?)

Herringbone Stamped Letters are all the rage in kids rooms at the moment, here is a tutorial that shows you how to make your own stamp that you can go crazy with, not only with letters but whatever takes your fancy. Added bonus= the stamp shouldn't take more than an hour to create make> noice.

Here's to a wonderful 2014!! xx