It's fair to say I've become a wee bit obsessed with old wooden crates recently, they're just so damned useful! I also like the idea of recycling items that have an interesting history and finding a new life for them in a kids room, plus who doesn't like getting creative with storage?
It all started when I wanted to create some extra shelving to keep some plants on our balcony....
And then the search has just evolved from there onwards. Here are some crate-astic ideas to use in your little un's space...
1) Wall shelves
2) Wheelie seat
3) Cupboards
Sourcing a good deal on a wooden crate isn't as easy as it used to be, but trying Gumtree and Ebay are your best bet online and then there are always sure to be some stashed at your local antique jumble-sales and warehouses. Make sure that you give them a good sanding and if applicable a coat of stain to ward off any nasty splinters your little one might pick up. The limits are your imagination on this adaptable box!